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Outsourcing Services

CPE Labs is engaged in outsourcing small to mid-sized businesses. In small shops this group tends to be the hardest to keep. They find themselves in dead end jobs, the intellectual challenges are often missing in the stable environment that business demands. Very often the company can not afford the full time salaries of the multiple staff necessary for week in and week out year round coverage. CPE Labs provides a win-win situation for all parties involved by meeting the needs of the employers and employees.

For businesses,

In an effort to cut costs many shops burden a few dedicated employees with multiple conflicting individual skill sets as needed. CPE-Labs provides technical staff, experienced, skilled individuals, to the shop only as required, thus avoiding full time salaries for all the necessary disciplines. The CPE-Labs method frees a company to devote their time and talent to their core competiencies. Paying for skilled, underutilized, talent is expensive and can drain the financial resources of a company in today's economic climate.

For employees becoming consultants,

CPE-Labs provides revenue growth that matches your skill and hours worked. Fears of being terminated because your current company's plan to downsize or eliminate a technical skill can be ameliorated because your revenue is no longer tied to the success of a single employer. Consultants are free to follow their interests as they see the technical environment and job market evolve. CPE-Labs specializes in computer technology services and not the manufacture of durable goods. At CPE-Labs the consultant is the product. At a factory the technical staff are cost items.

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